November 19, 2021

Learn about T Cell – B Cell memory and Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk

References for Ghar Ghar Dastak Notice
November 18, 2021

IBA Letter to Home Secretary [Naresh Mhaske]

A complaint has been filed to the President of India, Prime Minister and Secretary of Government of India against Maharashtra Government Officers passing Illegal orders.
November 15, 2021
Challenge To All Virologists To Prove The Existence Of Any Virus

AIM Control Challenge

Awaken India Movement poses a direct challenge to all virologists who're the proponents of virus isolation to prove their claim.
November 13, 2021

Letter to Maharashtra Home Secretary & ORS.

Awaken India Movement's complaint for criminal prosecutions against Aurangabad's Collector and other officers bringing rules for discrimination on the basis of vaccination status.
November 11, 2021

#1 NATURAL IMMUNITY: Legally & Scientifically Your Best Defense, By Court of Law

November 8, 2021
Graphene Oxide DNA Sequencing

Graphene Oxide Detection In Aqueous Suspension Observational Study In Optical And Electron Microscopy

The researchers used spectroscopy and electron microscope analysis to assess the contents of the COVID vaccine vials.
November 8, 2021

AIM Twitter Thread on Rabies/Rabies Vaccines AIM Twitter Thread on Rabies/Rabies Vaccines

Thread 1

Thread 2

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AIM Twitter Thread on Vaccines & Autism Documents ‘reveal’ deaths, injuries caused by childhood vaccines in India Documents 'reveal' deaths, injuries caused by childhood vaccines in India

Originally published by Deepika -

The past three-four years, 2020 onwards, have been a revelation of sorts. With the covid fiasco now running into the unimaginable fifth year, and unpredictability looming large, what has also happened in the process is a lot of knowing the unknown and questioning the otherwise acceptable, and the great realisation that somewhere the element of common sense or intuition was missing in the masses.
The Covid jabs were always questionable. The way these jabs were brought about, administered with coercion and force, with no liability whatsoever would have raised many eyebrows but unfortunately only a small section of people could see through the deception.
As it happens that one thing leads to another, the covid vaccine disaster opened a Pandora’s box of childhood vaccine injuries. Thanks to channels like this  (Twitter handle - @anhoneerahasya) which have been documenting cases of deaths and injuries caused by childhood vaccines in India, many seem to have started questioning or started re-considering.
Few points that could be relevant while evaluating the need for these vaccines are:

  • Childhood diseases are supposed to protect against chronic illnesses in later life. 20-30 years back this madness of vaccinating children with unending doses never existed, and the children were healthier compared to how they are today.

  • The number of these vaccines and their doses seem to be ever increasing. If diseases were indeed being eradicated by vaccines, why was there the need to administer multiple doses/boosters? Since multiple doses are needed to be administered, does it not indicate the limited efficacy of these vaccines?

  • There is enough evidence to suggest that childhood diseases have declined much before vaccines were introduced by focusing on hygiene, sanitation and living conditions. Why is this not the priority today then? Instead, the vaccines are mindlessly being administered to unsuspecting population in the developing world when importance should have been given to food, nutrition and living conditions.

  • It is also been observed that the negative impact of vaccines on malnourished children is huge. A malnourished child with a weak immune system is less capable of fighting the changes that the vaccine induces and hence is at risk of death or severe vaccine injury.

  • The co-administration of several vaccines, one after the other needs serious questioning. Why on earth is no one even asking what the chemicals present in these vaccines are doing to a new born’s immune system? When in an ideal world, when a baby is born, so much care is taken to ensure that the right food is given, in the right quantity and proportion and at the right times, then why no one bothers when so many injections are pushed into a child? A growing number of vaccines are administered at the same time or in close succession, increasing the complexity of assessing vaccine safety.

  • The injuries and deaths are not reported as these happen and hence due to the poor vaccine adverse events recording system, lack of documentation etc. the gravity of the situation never gets highlighted. WHO also revised norms which allowed the use of unsafe vaccines.

  • In India, the lives of the poor do not seem to matter and no one questions. 

  • Children in urban areas suffer long term chronic health issues but there is hardly chance that anyone will ever link these issues to the vaccine. Back in 2008, deaths in Tamil Nadu following measles vaccine came under the scanner. In 2010, four children die in Lucknow after being administered the measles vaccine. There are more such instances, reported but ignored by the authorities.

  • A recent report  highlights the issues with childhood vaccination. The study revealed that the side effects of the vaccinations among children have increased in Tamil Nadu over the last 10 years.

  • In India, vaccines are non-mandatory, however the government’s target is to leave no child or woman uncovered under Intensive Mission Indradhanush which is the government’s immunisation program. This leads to forced vaccination and violation of informed consent.

  • There are studies of vaccinated vs unvaccinated children which indicate that unvaccinated children are more healthy.

Vaccines and autism

Across the world, we are seeing a surge in autism cases and this is being linked to vaccines. There are many who would dispute that but there is undeniable connection with some of the vaccine ingredients like aluminium and mercury which cause brain damage and neurological issues.
What is also happening is the normalisation of autism and no accountability or review in terms of connecting the surge of autism to that of vaccination. Autism Awareness is being glorified while accountability is sadly and conveniently ignored. It would have been better if vaccine injury accountability was the focus area.!3&btvi=2&fsb=1&dtd=60215

Not just autism, but other chronic diseases in children are rising and needs serious questioning and evaluation.

Way forward?What we may ask are the short- or long-term solutions to saving our children except for raising awareness and enabling people to take an informed decision but we may at least start with raising the awareness. Several resources are available and some are listed below.
Our children need to be saved; they are the future. We cannot afford to have a future where sick people live; we need to build back better in the true sense of the term.

This talk covers the myth around India’s polio eradication story in detail. This paper offers as a ready reference.  And, click herehere and here for talks/videos highlight the stories of mindless vaccination in India, including media reports of vaccine injuries, graphs and data about the harms, and the futility of these vaccines.

There needs to be a review of the vaccine schedules, the questioning on the need for these vaccines, understanding children’s health and immunity at a larger scale and taking steps to mitigate the gaps instead of blanket vaccine administration.

A brief of the above piece has been published here.


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AIM Twitter Thread on DPT / DTP / TDap / DTap AIM Twitter Thread on BCG Vaccines AIM Twitter Thread on BCG Vaccines

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Rabies vaccines also cause injuries, time to pause, take informed decision Monkeypox – Know the Facts Monkeypox - Know the Facts

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Fortified Foods A poser for doctors and medical scientists in a medical forum – Jagannath Chatterjee A poser for doctors and medical scientists in a medical forum - Jagannath Chatterjee

The spontaneous public outpouring against the rape and murder of Dr Abhaya should establish a few things;

  • The public are not against doctors

  • The public remain sensitive to the issues they face

  • The public recognise that doctors must have good working conditions and protection against violence to operate

  • They are willing to suffer inconvenience that the country wide agitation of doctors subjects them too

  • They sincerely hope things will improve

And then we have the issue of the public turning against doctors for perceived or actual medical negligence. There is also the issue of popular antagonism against medicine in general for its imposing stance, monopolizing medical space, overpowering and persecuting critics, ignoring and justifying negative outcomes, pushing patient rights under the rug, loot by private hospitals, and overlooking need for reforms that can make it health and people friendly.

Reforms are an essential part of all systems. If they are needed they should be recognized and implemented. In medicine we have various forums seeking reforms. The main problem with these forums are that they shy away from the kind of reforms that the public seek. Hence the broad format of modern medicine continues and the public remain devoid of rights. The forums have failed the people.

We cannot really blame the public for reacting irrationally at times. Loosing both health and wealth, suffering the pain of losing loved ones, being pushed into debts and poverty, being treated like commodities, and denied recourse to justice can unhinge the most rational and sane.

Let us take a burning example. We suffered three years of a scandal called Covid. We are discussing the fallacies for about four years. The discussions have revealed what has been suppressed for 300 years. Medicine has been questioned like never before and in a very methodical, scientific and evidence based manner. The problems lie in all its aspects; intent, conceptualization, education and implementation.

The matter is one of intense commercialization, cartel of pharma, complete surrender of governments and supervisory bodies all over the globe, ignoring the basics of medicine and health, knowingly building an empire based on disease, creating fear of outbreaks and exploiting them to profit and expand power, and remaining unaccountable for the crimes. Quite a mouthful.

Yet the following happen;

  • Medical forums completely ignore the developments

  • Covid responses continues to be discussed as a successful example

  • The global deaths and disabilities, that still continue to manifest, are not discussed

  • The fact that Covid was the largest wealth transfer in history is not mentioned

  • There is no absolutely no effort to protect people from such misadventures in future

Maybe this will give us an idea of what the common masses are up against. Maybe. Many of us have built impenetrable walls around us within whose environment we feel that all is well, and more of the same is justified and beneficial.

The people all over India have been on the streets seeking justice and protection for doctors. Where are the outpouring against the extreme injustice against the people and patients?


But still. But still all public health activists are committed to protect the medical fraternity. Committed. Fully committed. Absolutely committed. Knowing fully well that the gesture will never be reciprocated for the interests of the people and the patients.

The question is, for how long? Activists fight for the people and expect results. They know the issues and also the solutions. Many of them are survivors who have acutely experienced the problems. How long should they wait for justice? For the real issues to be taken up in earnest?

There is an elephant in the room that has been ignored for 300+ years.

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Another Perjury & Contempt petition filed against Adar Poonawalla, Serum Institute and their advocates Court ordered prosecution against vaccine mafia Adar Poonawalla & Serum Institute in a Rs 10000 Crores defamation suit filed by Awaken India Movement member Sh. Prakash Pohare Court ordered prosecution against vaccine mafia Adar Poonawalla & Serum Institute in a Rs 10000 Crores defamation suit filed by Awaken India Movement member Sh. Prakash Pohare

Copy of the suit

Copy of false affidavit filed by Serum Institute

Copy of the Perjury Application

Copy of the Order Passed by the Court

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Kaam ki Baat recording on the same topic

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Download here

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Indian Evidence Act – Nipah Virus Polio Vaccine – Know The Facts, Be Empowered Polio Vaccine - Know The Facts, Be Empowered

Polio Vaccines - Know the Facts, Be Empowered

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Reality of Polio Vaccination Drive

IBA Representation Letter To PM And President Of India – July 30th, 2021

The Indian Bar Association's Letter to the President and the Prime Minister of India regarding the halt of the nationwide vaccination drive against COVID-19.
November 8, 2021

All Roads Lead To Genocide

A brief of important RTIs filed by Awaken India Movement Team.
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