September 23, 2024

My Health Journey – Saraswati Kavula

I understand that the key to your health lies in your mind. When the mind and body are in synchrony you are in the best state of health. And for that to happen, eat right, think right and keep your body active and mind calm and all will be well.
September 11, 2024
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

Documents ‘reveal’ deaths, injuries caused by childhood vaccines in India

Our children need to be saved; they are the future. We cannot afford to have a future where sick people live; we need to build back better in the true sense of the term.
September 7, 2024
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

Rabies vaccines also cause injuries, time to pause, take informed decision

Dog bites and Rabies Vaccines are in the news these days. Every other day there is a news report mentioning the death of a child following a  dog bite despite the child being vaccinated against Rabies. The news reports erroneously and intentionally mention that the child died due to “Rabies” and do not question the role of the vaccines.
August 22, 2024

A poser for doctors and medical scientists in a medical forum – Jagannath Chatterjee

The spontaneous public outpouring against the rape and murder of Dr Abhaya should establish a few things; The public are not against doctors The public remain sensitive to the issues they face The public recognise that doctors must have good working conditions and protection against violence to operate They are willing to suffer inconvenience that the country wide agitation of doctors subjects them too They sincerely hope things will improve
May 13, 2024

CBDC – Last weapon of slavery left with global cabal

Kaam ki Baat recording on the same topic
May 20, 2023

Deconstructing the Century-Old Vaccine Illusion: An Exploration of Efficacy and Safety

This paper explores the argument that the protective capacity of vaccines may have been overstated over the past century.
May 12, 2023

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

Pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know this!
August 17, 2022

The Truth about Allopathic Medicine

The above is an extract from Awaken India Movement’s 32 page document The Truth of the Scamdemic. Read it completely to understand all the ‘Crimes Against Humanity’.
August 9, 2022

Summary White Paper – New World Order

A Summary White Paper introducing the New World Order.
August 1, 2022

Recommended Resources

May 13, 2022

False Claims about the Indian Supreme Court Judgement against Vaccine Mandates Debunked

We conclusively debunk common false claims about the judgement against Vaccine mandates
May 6, 2022

Successful Letter to Authority

Success Story of a Professor at College in Mumbai, Maharashtra regarding vaccine mandate
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