September 16, 2021

Press Note 16.9.21 – AIM seeks recall of High Court’s blanket order

Seek recall of High Court’s blanket order for vaccination of prisoners above 45 years of age
September 11, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccine Medical Exemption Certificate

Please download the certificate and get it signed by your medical doctor to get exemption from experimental Covid vaccines
September 11, 2021
Vaccinated People Carry Dangerous Spike Proteins: New Study

Vaccinated People Are Walking Spike Protein Factories: New Study

A renowned Chinese study finds that vaccinated people are carrying dangerous spike proteins which can cause permanent damage to the vital organs.
September 11, 2021

Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana breached the trust of 135 crore Indians

CJI N.V.Ramana's Conflict of Interest with Vaccine Company Bharat Biotech
September 2, 2021

Scanning & Transmission
Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

Currently there are four major pharmaceutical companies who manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 now called SARS-CoV-19 vaccine. These manufactures and their vaccine are Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA Vaccine, the Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, the Serum Institute Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen COVID -19 Vaccine, manufactured by Janssen Biotech Inc., a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson, a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The intended purpose of these vaccines are to provide immunity from the so-called infectious novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV – 2 virus now called the SARS-CoV – 19. These four pharmaceutical companies have not provided complete FDA disclosure on their vaccine box, insert fact sheet or label for many of the major and/or minor ingredients contained within these so-called vaccines. The purpose of this research article is to identify those specific major and minor ingredients contained in the Pfizer Vaccine, the Moderna Vaccine, the Astrazeneca Vaccine and theJanssen Vaccine using various scientific anatomical, physiological and functional testing for each SARS-COV-2-19 vaccine. As a human right, governed under World Law by the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the vaccine specific ingredient information is critical, required and necessary to know so that any human from any country in the World can make an informed decision whether or not to consent to the SAR-CoV-2-19 inoculation. We have conducted the scientific testing on each vaccine and have identified several ingredients or adjuvants that have not been disclosed which are contained in hese four SARS-CoV – 2 -19 vaccines. Currently, these vaccines are being administered to millions of humans around the World under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by each country without full disclosure of all ingredients and in some cases mandated by governments or employers in violation of individual human rights under the Nuremberg Code of 1947.
August 29, 2021

How Reliable Is The Corona Test? Let’s Understand

This article from Go Satvik shows 13 biggest proofs about how faulty the COVID-19 test is and its inability to detect any illness.
August 26, 2021

Civil Writ Petition filed to Quash Mandatory Vaccinations for Mumbai Local Train Travel

Filed by AIM National Steering Committee Member Yohan Tengra to quash SOP which is Discriminatory, Illegal, Unconstitutional & Violative of Fundamental Human Rights.
August 26, 2021


BOMBAY SESSIONS COURT HAS ISSUED NOTICE TO JAIL AUTHORITY DIRECTING THEM TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE DOCTORS AND POLICE OFFICERS INVOLVED IN FORCED VACCINATION OF VICTIM IN JUDICIAL CUSTODY. In his Petition, Victim has prayed for prosecution of Doctor and concerned Police officer under section 336, 323, 319, 321, 307, 166, 109, 120(B) & 34 of Indian Penal Code, under Atrocities Act, section 145(2) of Maharashtra Police Act, section 51, 54, 55, 56, 58 of Disaster Management Act, 2005. The victim belonging to Scheduled Caste Community was vaccinated against his will and without informing him of the dangerous side effects of the vaccines. He has claimed Rs. 5 Crores interim compensation. If the victim dies after vaccination then concerned doctor and other officers will also charged for murder as per section 302 of IPC.
August 26, 2021

Press Release 25.8.21 – Awaken India Movement Telangana Chapter

Subject: Door to Door Vaccination Program by GHMC is against Constitutional Rights of Citizens
August 26, 2021

Formal Complaint to President of India Seeking Action against Supreme Court Judges

Formal Complaint Dated 24.08.21 to President of India Seeking Action against Supreme Court Judges J. L. Nageshwar Rao & J. A. Bose along with Enquiry Against CJI N. V. Ramana
August 25, 2021

Legal Correspondence with TCS

A legal notice was served to TCS from IBA. Find the entire correspondence here.
August 22, 2021

SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers – Roxana Bruno, Peter A Mccullough, et al (total 57 scientists)

AbstractSince the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, the race for testing new platforms designed to confer immunity against SARS-CoV-2, has been rampant and unprecedented, leading to conditional emergency authorization of various vaccines. Despite progress on early multidrug therapy forCOVID-19 patients, the current mandate is to immunize the world population as quickly aspossible. The lack of thorough testing in animals prior to clinical trials, and authorization based on safety data generated during trials that lasted less than 3.5 months, raise questions regarding vaccine safety. The recently identified role of SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein for inducing endothelial damage characteristic of COVID-19, even in absence of infection, is extremely relevant given that most of the authorized vaccines induce endogenous production of Spike. Given the high rate of occurrence of adverse effects that have been reported to date, as well as the potential for vaccine-driven disease enhancement, Th2-immunopathology, autoimmunity, and immune evasion, there is a need for a better understanding of the benefits and risks of mass vaccination, particularly in groups excluded from clinical trials. Despite calls for caution, the risks of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination have been minimized or ignored by health organizations and government authorities. As for any investigational biomedical program, data safety monitoring boards (DSMB) and event adjudication committees (EAC), should be enacting risk mitigation. If DSMBs and EACs do not do so, we will call for a pause in mass vaccination. If DSMBs and EACs do not exist, then vaccination should be halted immediately, in particular for demographic groups at highest risk of vaccine-associated death or serious adverse effects, during such time as it takes to assemble these boards and commence critical and independent assessments. We urge for pluralistic dialogue in the context of health policies, emphasizing critical questions that require urgent answers, particularly if we wish to avoid a global erosion of public confidence in science and public health.
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