‘The Truth Behind the Covid-19 Crisis’ by AIM x Rebel Foundation

21st November 2020: According to Mithiborwala, the COVID-19 crisis has been put in play by big Pharma companies that are “far more powerful than governments.” He said: “We have been witnessing the emergence of a biotech industrial complex, which is basically a totalitarian and surveillance-based fascist state.”.. Lastly, Mithiborwala believes that the current lockdown being implanted in the national capital amid rising COVID-19 numbers, is targeting the national kisaan and mazdoor movement, to prevent them from carrying out their demonstrations against the recently-passed farm bills.
– Gaurav Sarkar, Midday
Following the success of three peaceful protests which received widespread media coverage, citizen movement Awaken India in partnership with Rebel Foundation, held a public meeting: ‘The Truth behind the Covid19 Crisis – “Jaagoge nahi, toh Jeeyoge nahi!’ at Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Mumbai on 21st November 2020.
The impressive lineup included India’s best researchers and doctors, who analysed facts, statistics, historical contexts and mounting international resistance against the government-big pharma response and devastating restrictions to the exaggerated Covid-19 ‘pandemic’. They critiqued the lopsided and unscientific government response contradictory to the high recovery rate of 99.997% for ages 0-10, 99.98% for 20-49, 99.5% for 50-69 & 94.6% for those 70 & above (US-CDC). Credible research proves that 98% of flu cases vanished from worldwide data this year. It appears 5-7 lakh deaths due to flu have miraculously disappeared, indicating both national and global death rates remain stable, and have not increased dramatically due to Covid-19 virus.
The overwhelming majority of people are demonstrably safe, as fatality & death rate is also very low. These facts need to be communicated to citizens, free from media spins and hyperbole, to ensure that ‘the cure’, i.e. response measures, isn’t more harmful than the disease itself.
Awaken India demands an end to current disproportionate, unscientific, mandatory government policies on mass testing, lockdowns, social distancing, masks & vaccines.
Geopolitical affairs expert & president of the Bharat Bachao Andolan, Feroze Mithiborwala, remarked, “Covid19 is essentially a laboratory created bio-engineered flu-like virus which exhibits moderate to extreme symptoms. This design has a well documented history wherein Transnational Pharma, Big Tech & Weapons production companies, in collusion with elements of the Deep State have engineered similar attacks to further their agenda of the New World Order and the rise of the BioTech-Industrial Totalitarian Fascist Surveillance Complex”.
Ambar Koiri, an expert on alternative health solutions, emphasized that, “All traditional medicine systems (except allopathy) follow ‘Terrain Theory’ for a life full of health and happiness. Keep your terrain, i.e. immune systems, fighting fit and no germ in the world can make you sick. This can be achieved by sunlight, fresh air, exercise, rest, a 50% raw food intake and a vegan diet.”
Renowned vaccine expert Jagannath Chaterjee, said, “[People] are afraid of bioterrorism. [People] think it will come in the form of a virus. What if it comes in the form of a vaccine? What do we know about the vaccine scandals that are a part of history?…The Covid vaccines are experimental mRNA vaccines being granted emergency authorization. The trials have thrown up serious adverse effects including death…Companies manufacturing them are being given legal protection. We have many reasons to be extremely wary of this vaccine that is being given as protection against a false epidemic.”
Dr. Amar Singh Azad, MD Pediatrics & MD Community Medicine Director, Centre for Holistic and Environmental Health stated, “The way the present epidemic is being projected is an example of brazen politics by vested interests and not science. The way the virus has been projected and the solutions being imposed on the people are not based on any scientific evidence. Now they are preparing to give compulsory vaccination, totally ignoring the efficacy and safety issues.”
5G expert Prakash Munshi, stated, “5G is a technology which operates on millimetre waves and will have an antenna every 100 meters at very high frequencies compared to 4G. Closer the antenna, higher the radiation, higher the risk of health hazards like CANCER. Hundreds of peer reviewed studies on 5G technology have proved harm to the citizens and environment while there is not a single study to prove NO HARM from 5G radiation to citizens and environment.”
Bhavya Dhavan, a mental health expert said that, “Although we do understand there exists a virus of sorts that’s making people sick, it’s evident that it’s not deadly and the word ‘pandemic’ is just being used for the sake of propaganda. History shows that pharmaceutical cartels and the WHO, with the help of national governments, propagate fear to induce panic to generate financial profits and tighten controls…. We are in a war where the battlefield is our mind”.
Virr Saxena, a mindset coach, explained, “The mental health pandemic has gripped the world with more than double the rate of the virus. Have the steps that have been taken in the guise of the virus, and the fear that has gripped the world, leading to a total mental breakdown of society, justified?”
Yohan Tengra, convenor of Anarchy for Freedom, a researcher & expert on the New World Order, concluded, “The choices we make now will determine whether we head into a future of total technological, medical, and mental human slavery, or into a world where human freedom and our fundamental natural rights are upheld. We urgently need to stop complying with our own enslavement and reject vaccines, 5G and everything else that harms us, & takes our freedom away”.
The meeting also resolved to extend solidarity to the national call of the Farmers & Workers of India for their march to Delhi on 26-27th November, to demand their due rights. Lockdowns are being used as political weapons to crush legitimate forms of democratic dissent. Awaken India will be joining the Mumbai protests, gathering at Kotwal Garden, Dadar, on 26th November at 12.30pm. They further appeal to all people’s organisations to take to the streets and extend their active support to Farmers and Workers of India.
Constituents of Awaken India will continue to strive to expose the nefarious Covid19 agendas, totally rejecting the policy of unscientific lockdowns, which unleash catastrophic social and economic disasters.