This letter has been prepared by Advocate Sahil Goyal and AIM Team. The letter addresses concerns regarding data privacy and consent related to initiatives such as APAAR, Digilocker, AADHAR, and Academic Bank of Credits. It emphasizes the refusal to participate in these programs due to potential privacy risks, urging the educational institution to respect these preferences and take appropriate actions.
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Check page 8 of the document :
For cancellation of Apaar Id send this document to the school / college authorities and Raise a ticket on the below Apaar portal support link and keep tracking & regularly follow up
APAAR Support –
Apaar ID helpline – 18008893511
Download the Word Format below:
3 responses to “Letter to Schools – APAAR”
Nitin sali
Do we have any document or rti report about APAAR, that it is mandatory or voluntary for students?
Please check The pdf copy has also been uploaded here.
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