Union Government Counter Reply Filed On November 29th, 2021

An affidavit filed by Central Government in the Supreme Court made it clear that the order, GR, SOP, by Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerela, and any other state government, district collector about vaccine mandates are illegal. Central Government said in its Counter Affidavit dated November 28th, 2021 that vaccines are not mandatory and any services or benefits are not attached to vaccination.

Central Government once again made it clear that vaccines are not mandatory and it’s not connected with any benefit and essential service. The affidavit filed by the Central Government before the Supreme Court in the matter between Dr. Jacob Puliyel Vs. Union of India Writ Petition (Civil) No. 607 of 2021 is proof that Maharashtra and other state governments are acting illegally.

The Counter Affidavit filed by Dr. P.B.N. Prasad, working as Joint Drugs Controller (India), Central Drugs Standard Control Organization, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India on November 28th, 2021 the relevant paragraph reads as under:

“*64. *In so far as the Petitioner’s submissions regarding COVID-19 vaccine being mandatory, as per the Operational Guidelines document, COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary. However, it’s emphasized and encouraged that all individuals take vaccination for public health and his/her interest as well as public interest since in case of a pandemic, an individual’s ill health has a direct effect on society. COVID-19 vaccination is also not linked to any benefits or services. Therefore, any submissions made by the Petitioner to the contrary, in so far as the Answering Respondents are concerned, is denied.”

– Nilesh Ojha
President, Indian Bar Association

You can download the affidavit here.

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