September 19, 2021
COVID Vaccine Can Cause Cardiac Arrest

Can The COVID-19 Vaccine Lead To Cardiac Arrest? New Study

A new PubMed Central study highlights how a COVID recovered patient suffers from cardiac arrest after being administered with the vaccine's second dose.
September 11, 2021
Vaccinated People Carry Dangerous Spike Proteins: New Study

Vaccinated People Are Walking Spike Protein Factories: New Study

A renowned Chinese study finds that vaccinated people are carrying dangerous spike proteins which can cause permanent damage to the vital organs.
September 2, 2021

Scanning & Transmission
Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

Currently there are four major pharmaceutical companies who manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 now called SARS-CoV-19 vaccine. These manufactures and their vaccine are Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA Vaccine, the Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, the Serum Institute Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen COVID -19 Vaccine, manufactured by Janssen Biotech Inc., a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson, a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The intended purpose of these vaccines are to provide immunity from the so-called infectious novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV – 2 virus now called the SARS-CoV – 19. These four pharmaceutical companies have not provided complete FDA disclosure on their vaccine box, insert fact sheet or label for many of the major and/or minor ingredients contained within these so-called vaccines. The purpose of this research article is to identify those specific major and minor ingredients contained in the Pfizer Vaccine, the Moderna Vaccine, the Astrazeneca Vaccine and theJanssen Vaccine using various scientific anatomical, physiological and functional testing for each SARS-COV-2-19 vaccine. As a human right, governed under World Law by the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the vaccine specific ingredient information is critical, required and necessary to know so that any human from any country in the World can make an informed decision whether or not to consent to the SAR-CoV-2-19 inoculation. We have conducted the scientific testing on each vaccine and have identified several ingredients or adjuvants that have not been disclosed which are contained in hese four SARS-CoV – 2 -19 vaccines. Currently, these vaccines are being administered to millions of humans around the World under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by each country without full disclosure of all ingredients and in some cases mandated by governments or employers in violation of individual human rights under the Nuremberg Code of 1947.
July 30, 2021
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

WHO’S Clinical Advice On Vaccination For Children

The latest WHO advice on children's vaccination is for healthcare authorities to wait and see how much children are vulnerable to the virus and focus on vaccinating adults first. The global healthcare body also admits that children and adolescents are less vulnerable to severe infection.
July 17, 2021

Vaccines Not Mandatory For Students: Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister

Dr. CN Ashwath Narayan, Karnataka's Deputy Chief Minister says that vaccination is voluntary for students in the state. It serves as a starking example before all the vaccine mandates imposed in several other Indian states.
July 16, 2021

The largest drug experiment in history

"I know that seems like overwhelming amount of information to digest, but believe me you need to digest it!" Chris Wark
June 21, 2021

57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Study On COVID Vaccines And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL Vaccinations

57 Top Scientists And Doctors Release Shocking Study On COVID Vaccines And Demand Immediate Stop to ALL Vaccinations There are still far too many unanswered questions regarding the Covid-19 vaccines’ safety, efficacy, and necessity. This study is a bombshell that should be heard by everyone, regardless of their views on vaccines. There aren’t nearly enough citizens who are asking questions. Most people simply follow the orders of world governments, as if they have earned our complete trust. They haven’t done so. This manuscript is a step forward in terms of accountability and the free flow of information on this crucial subject. Please take the time to read it and share it widely. There are still far too many unanswered questions regarding the Covid-19 vaccines’ safety, efficacy, and necessity. This study is a bombshell that should be heard by everyone, regardless of their views on vaccines. There aren’t nearly enough citizens who are asking questions. Most people simply follow the orders of world governments, as if they have earned our complete trust. They haven’t done so. This manuscript is a step forward in terms of accountability and the free flow of information on this crucial subject. Please take the time to read it and share it widely.
June 19, 2021

Climate Scientist Saji Hameed on Questions About India’s Second Wave

Indian Scientist Saji Hameed as we discuss his research into alternate explanations about Indias second wave and the discrepencies observed in the data. Some of the insightful articles authored by Saji :-……
April 10, 2021

India’s Vaccine Approvals Had One Problem. It Gave Rise To the Other Two.

Bharat Biotech chairman and MD Krishna Ella (right) and Serum Institute CEO Adar Poonawalla. Photos: Twitter and PTI. For all the Narendra Modi government’s desire to push an Indian company to the forefront of the national COVID-19 response, it has actually put an Indian company in an awkward, even untenable, position.
April 10, 2021

Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine

A Portuguese health worker has died two days after getting the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. Sonia Acevedo, 41, suffered a ‘sudden death’ at home on New Year’s Day 48 hours after receiving the jab. An autopsy is expected to take place later today or tomorrow.
April 10, 2021

Vaccine trials being conducted on Bhopal gas victims without consent, alleges activist

People affected by the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy are being violated as trails of indigenous vaccine Covaxin–developed by Bharath Biotech–are being conducted on them without their consent, an activist claimed. The vaccine candidate is in its Phase-3 trial at the 
April 10, 2021

Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease

Aims of the study: Patient comprehension is a critical part of meeting medical ethics standards of informed consent in study designs. The aim of the study was to determine if sufficient literature exists to require clinicians to disclose the specific risk that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen disease upon
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