Mailing Campaign to Department of Telecommunications

Click on link below to open a draft email on your phone’s mail application:

We request all to send your responses via email. You may click the link above to open a draft on your mail application of your mobile phone. You may feel free to add or edit the drafted message. Please remember to add your Name, City and Mobile Number in the Signature.

(Using the above on Apple products may create formatting errors)

Subject: Response to the invitation for comments on the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022

We urge the DoT to withdraw the Draft Telecom Bill 2022 in its current form, and redraft to incorporate the omissions & resolve the concerns as per the attached detailed documents. Further, the DoT must publish a white paper with justifications and reasoning for introducing any changes, and set up an institutionalised system of broad, multi-city, in-person stakeholder consultation. We also urge the Union Government to appoint a Law Commission and/or an independent Standing Committee or expert body to look into reforms for the telecommunication sector.

Instructions to send email from your laptop:
1. Copy the contents of the covering letter provided below.
2. Add Email Recipients – To: [email protected] & CC: s[email protected], [email protected]
3. Add Subject: Response to the invitation for comments on the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022

Covering Letter Draft: Click here

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