Your communication has been registered successfully with the following registration number: PMOPG/E/2021/0588364

Dear Sir,

We the undersigned Doctors from various parts of India would like to seek your appointment to discuss the letter attached here with on the subject “Petition to improve and make functional, AEFI Reporting and it’s active Monitoring in India”

We would like to make our representation for the demands put forth in our letter:

  1. Immediate development of AEFI Online reporting system on the lines of VAERS system in US, with retrospective effect from the beginning of the vaccination drive.
  2. Wide publicity of this system for the general public, including doctors to know the existence of the system.
  3. Easy and Open public access to AEFI reports with rolling weekly updates.
  4. Compulsory post-mortem of all sudden deaths post covid-19 vaccination, where obvious cause of death is not found or where cause of death is blood clotting in one part of the body (to rule out clotting in other parts of the body).
  5. Immediate setting up of Vaccine Courts at State level to adjudicate on compensation payable to victims of vaccine injury/death.

We look forward to a positive and early response,

Yours Faithfully,
Indian Doctors for Truth.

To download the letter, click here.

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