Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister 2.0

Dear Sir,

We the undersigned Doctors and Concerned citizens from various parts of India would like to seek your appointment to discuss the letter attached here with on the subject “Urgent Need To Rectify The Current Utter Disregard For Science While Deciding Corona Related Measures Which Have Special Worrying Effects On Children.”

We would like to make our representation for the demands putforth in our letter:

  1. All Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials on children should be stopped.
  2. The Covid-19 vaccination for children should not be rolled out even if vaccines are given EUA for restricted use, and no vaccines, currently under trial, to be given EUA.
  3. Immediate reopening of schools and colleges without any delay or restrictions as advised by experts.
  4. No testing of asymptomatic children at school or home
  5. No experimental and unapproved drugs should be used in the treatment (ILI) rather children should be subject to standard of care using proven, tested and repurposed drugs and Ayush protocols under an Integrated Medicine Healthcare approach. It is our experience that experimental drugs have proved harmful for adults in the 1st and 2nd wave.
  6. No testing, tracing, quarantine at mass level either routinely or as part of job, earning activity, entry to certain places or for travel as has been scientifically advised once community transmission has set in.

    We look forward to a positive and early response,

    Yours Faithfully,
    Indian Doctors for Truth and Concerned Citizens of India

    You can download the letter here.

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