Letter to Hon’ble Prime Minister

Hon’ble Prime Minister,

We, Indian Doctors for Truth, write to you today to bring to your notice the subject of Immunity acquired
through infection naturally vs Vaccine Immunity. It is well known from our knowledge of infectious diseases that
immunity acquired through a natural infection can last for a long time. Reinfection is extremely rare and almost
non-existent. The cases of reinfection are also milder than the first infection.

Please find our letter, attached herewith and duly signed by us 20 doctors which urge you to reconsider the
vaccination policy for all. Vaccination has been made mandatory in many private as well as public institutions,
without taking into consideration that it is voluntary. Also, we have achieved herd immunity, and therefore the
vaccine drive is not necessary and may infact prove more harmful.

We strongly recommend that this universal vaccination policy is halted and it be made voluntary for people
above the age of 60 with serious co-morbidities with full information given about its side-effects.

We hope to interact with you once you have read our letter. We wish to travel to meet you in person to give our
expert opinion on India’s vaccination policy.

We eagerly await your positive response.

Indian Doctors for Truth

Download the letter from here.

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