Legal Correspondence with TCS

Please find all the correspondence between TCS and IBA below, with recent most on the top.
Indian Bar Association (IBA) serves 3rd and final legal notice to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) legal team. If they fail to satisfactorily reply then IBA will move for criminal proceedings against TCS and its legal consultant- DMD Associates. You can access the document here.
Hard copy – Letter to DMD (TCS’s lawyers) from IBA on 15th July.
IBA has sent a legal notice to TCS lawyers- DMD w.r.t their 13th July’21 reply. They have not replied to this second legal notice, the first one was sent to TCS directly on 7th July’21.
The TCS reply is an offence under perjury and IBA is filing a suit of contempt of Honourable Supreme Court and also a criminal proceedings against the TCS’s law firm- DMD and TCS.
You can access the document here.
Reply by TCS to IBA Legal Notice via DMD – 13th July’21. You can access the document here.
Legal Notice from IBA via AIM to TCS sent on 7th July’21. You can access the document here.