Counter Affidavit Filed by MoHFW

In response to Writ Petition 1820 of 2021 in the High Court of Bombay at Goa, a counter affidavit has been filed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 8 October 2021.

Satyendra Singh, Under Secretary Covid Vaccination Cell in MoHFW has stated the following on record:

“9. That, it is further humbly submitted that the directions and guidelines released by Government of India and Ministry of Health and family Welfare, do not entail compulsory or forcible vaccination against COVID-19 disease implying that COVID-19 vaccination is completely voluntary for all citizens of India. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has not formulated or suggested any policies for discrimination between citizens of India on the basis of their vaccination status.

10. That, it is duly advised, advertised and communicated by MoHFW through various print and social media platforms that all citizens should get vaccinated, but this in no way implies that any person can be forced to be vaccinated against her / his wishes.

11. That, as per the existing guidelines, there is no provisions for forcing any citizen to book appointment for Covid Vaccination on Co-WIN or visiting Covid Vaccination Centre for vaccination if a person above the age of 18 years visits a Covid Vaccination Centre by her / his choice for vaccination and asks for the same, it implies that she / he is voluntarily coming to the center to get the benefit of Covid Vaccination.”

Read the full Affidavit below:

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