Complaint against Justice D. Y. Chandrachud & Ors.

A complaint has been filed by Rashid Khan Pathan, against Justice D. Y. Chandrachud & Ors. on the following subject.

Subject: (i) Immediate direction to C.B.I. to register an F.I.R. against accused Judges under section 52, 109, 115, 166, 167, 201, 202, 218, 219, 302, 304, 304 (A), 409, 120(B), 34 Etc. of IPC;
Section 51(b), 54, 55 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 AND provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act 1988., for their act of commission, active participation in committing the offences and omission to prevent the offences of abatement of murder, preparation to commit murder, misappropriation of thousands of Crores of public fund with ulterior motive to save the real culprits and give wrongful profits to the vaccine syndicate;
i) Granting sanction to the complainant to initiate prosecution against the accused Judges Sh. D. Y. Chandrachud and others for the above said offences and also for any other offences disclosed from the materials available on record;
ii) Immediate directions to the accused Judges to forthwith tender their resignation by following the binding precedents of the Constitution Bench judgment in the case of K. Veeraswami Vs. Union of India (1991) 3 SCC 655;
iii) Immediate directions to the Attorney General for India to file the Contempt petition before Supreme Court against accused Judges, for their willful disregard and defiance of the binding precedents of the Supreme Court of India and for abusing the process of Court.

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