A landmark judgement upholding our fundamental rights under article 21 and 14 and equating right to health to right to life under article 21.
Proud to be Indian.
First time in the world our Supreme Court gave decision based on Science, smashing the false narratives of Bill Gates vaccine mafia.
12. Point 89 – Conclusions –
(v) – ….In light of this, restrictions on unvaccinated individuals imposed through various vaccine mandates by State Governments / Union Territories cannot be said to be proportionate. ….. we suggest that all authorities in this country, including private organisations and educational institutions, review the relevant orders and instructions imposing restrictions on unvaccinated individuals in terms of access to public places, services and resources, if not already recalled.
(vii) Recognising the imperative need for collection of requisite data of adverse events and wider participation in terms of reporting, the Union of India is directed to facilitate reporting of suspected adverse events by individuals and private doctors on an accessible virtual platform.
These reports shall be made publicly accessible, without compromising on protecting the confidentiality of the persons reporting, with all necessary steps to create awareness of the existence of such a platform and of the information required to navigate the platform to be undertaken by the Union of India at the earliest.
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