April 9, 2021

Secret, powerful panels will pick Covid-19 vaccine winners. Can they be trusted?

Most Americans have never heard of Dr. Richard Whitley, an expert in pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. Yet as the coronavirus pandemic drags on and the public eagerly awaits a vaccine, he may well be among the most powerful people in the country.
April 9, 2021

Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Reportedly Caused Headache, Hangovers In Volunteers

This surely generated a ton of positivity among people since it meant that we’re almost nearing the end of this dreadful pandemic. However, vaccines do come with their fair share of side-effects, and some volunteers who were the first to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have revealed that their experience wasn’t so pleasant as they’d expect.
April 9, 2021

Controversial Vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?

In 2009, several schools for tribal children in Khammam district in Telangana — then a part of undivided Andhra Pradesh — became sites for observation studies for a cervical cancer vaccine that was administered to thousands of girls aged between nine and 15. The girls were administered the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine in three rounds that year under the supervision of state health department
April 9, 2021

How The Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio

One of the vaccines used to prevent polio has actually been causing some people to get the disease. Just last month, the World Health Organization announced that two of three strains of polio had been eradicated. It’s been one of the great success stories of modern medicine. The disease, which, of course, can lead to paralysis, has been reduced to just a handful of cases around the world. But now scientists say there’s been a troubling
April 9, 2021

The Astronomical Cost of Lockdown

To laugh or to cry. It is difficult to know which response is more appropriate to the Government’s attempt to quantify the impact of lockdown, published last night with the title “Analysis of the health, economic and social effects of COVID-19 and the approach to tiering“. If you wanted a chuckle, then imagine you had the job of the unfortunate civil servant who had been given the job of cobbling together this strange hotch-potch of information. The document is clearly a rushed job, published with the political aim of persuading the growing number of Conservative MPs who are sceptical about the need for tighter restrictions that the
April 9, 2021

Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation

The human development territories have been severely constrained under the Covid-19 pandemic. A common dynamics has been observed, but its propagation has not been homogeneous over each continent. We aimed at characterizing the non-viral parameters that were most associated with death rate.
April 9, 2021

Can the Indian legal framework deal with the COVID-19 pandemic? A review of the Epidemic Diseases Act

Universally, multiple methods like contact tracing, social-isolation and quarantine are being used to mitigate the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These methods used by the State invariably impinge on the autonomy, liberty and dignity of individuals. We allow these intrusions, as legitimised by laws, for the State to be able to act in the interest of the population at large.
April 9, 2021

Britain’s government is exploiting fear to suit its actions, whether on Covid or terrorism

Britain’s government is exploiting fear to suit its actions, whether on Covid or terrorism. The home secretary told me this week that I faced a terrorist threat that was “severe” and an incident that was “highly likely”. I should be “alert”, she said. What is the difference between likely and highly likely? Should I fear to leave home? Should I run for my life if I see a man with a backpack? Priti Patel also tells me to be “not alarmed”. So why does she try to scare me? Is she on the terrorists’ side?
April 9, 2021

COVID-19 Has Exposed the U.K. as a Failed State

When one’s ability to plan for the future depends entirely upon predicting the whims of technocrats, this is not a free society. udged according to any passable definition of a free society, the United Kingdom is no longer fit for purpose. To those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this has been clear for some time. The simultaneously heavy-handed and ineffective government response to coronavirus is only the most recent example.