18 Questions for Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS

The Director
New Delhi, India

Dear Dr. Guleria,

In the present scenario of tremendous confusion on the Covid crises and crass commercialization of the mainstream medical establishment in India, that is causing tremendous distress, loss of lives and loss of livelihoods affecting the entire country, we seek answers / clarifications from you, as head of India’s premier medical institution, to the following questions / pointers. The concern on crass commercialization of medical establishment in India has also been expressed by Dr. Sanjay. Rai, Professor of Community Medicines at AIIMS Delhi on a webinar organised by us on ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ vis-a-vis ‘Vaccine Coercion’ : Where does the truth lie? on 8th of August, 2021. We have addressed him on the email. We had also invited you for this webinar but we did not receive any response from you. We have also addressed local area MLA Sri Somnath Bharti (Advocate) on this email. In our meeting with him, he also shared that neither he nor his parents have taken the Covid vaccine. 

The confusion regarding the Covid situation has come to a boiling point as crores of people – students, teachers, government employees, corporate employees and others are being threatened with loss of livelihoods or denial of entry to campuses unless they take the ’emergency approved’ Covid-19 vaccines. Same is case with every resident in some states where the vaccine threat is extended to food supplies travel and other public services.

Kindly share credible evidence in support of your statements, so that we may have a clear understanding. We shall request you to respond at the earliest possible and latest by Wednesday 22nd September, 2021. We shall be compelled to take further action on this grave issue causing unnecessary distress to the people of india due to corruption and moral collapse of the mainstream medical establishment in the country.

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