September 26, 2024

Court cases of childhood vaccination injuries in India

Here are some court cases from India, of childhood vaccination injuries, many of which resulted in a compensation payout order by the court.
September 24, 2024

AIM Twitter Thread on Japanese Encephalitis(JE) Vaccine

AIM Twitter Thread on JE Vaccines
September 19, 2024

AIM Twitter Threads on Yellow Fever Vaccines

AIM Twitter threads on Yellow Fever Vaccines
September 17, 2024

AIM Twitter Threads on HPV Vaccines

Twitter Threads on HPV Vaccination
September 16, 2024

AIM Twitter Thread on instances of children’s deaths & injuries following Covid vaccination

September 12, 2024

AIM Twitter Threads on Rabies/Rabies Vaccines

AIM twitter thread extract on Rabies & Rabies vaccines, vaccine side effects.
September 11, 2024
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

AIM Twitter Thread on Vaccines & Autism

Do vaccines cause autism?
September 10, 2024

AIM Twitter Thread on DPT / DTP / TDap / DTap
September 10, 2024

AIM Twitter Thread on BCG Vaccines
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