April 20, 2024

Food Fortification in India

Report on Food Fortification in India prepared by the Research and Information division of Lok Sabha Secretariat
April 20, 2024

The Other Side of India’s Polio Eradication Story – Vratesh Srivastava

India ran intensive pulse polio immunization campaigns since 1995. In 2014, polio was declared as eradicated however an in-depth analysis reveals fact that contradict this. narrative
March 7, 2024

AIM White Paper – Polio

The whitepaper covers disease overview, prevalence, vaccines & vaccine safety, side effects, lawsuits, media coverage of vaccine injuries
July 20, 2023

Can HPV vaccine prevent Cervical Cancer?

Can HPV vaccine prevent cervical cancer? - A talk by Dr. Amitav Banerjee
May 9, 2023

AIM White Paper – HPV

White Paper on HPV Vaccination
May 9, 2023

AIM White Paper – Measles

A Treatise on Measles
March 18, 2023
Compelling Evidence On The Presence Of Nanoparticles On RT-PCR Test Swabs

Conditional Acceptance of Covid 19 Testing

Conditional Acceptance notice for Covid Testing mandates and coercion
March 18, 2023

Letter for Removal of Unauthorized Mobile Towers

Letter to be submitted to authorities for removal of Mobile Towers
November 4, 2022

Mailing Campaing to CEO FSSAI

Front-of-pack labels on unhealthy food products
November 4, 2022

Supreme Court puts environmental release of GM mustard on hold

GM Mustard release stayed by the Supreme Court of India
November 4, 2022

Agri Biotech Sector Motivated by Monopoly Control and Sacred GMO Cash Cow

Activists object to the potential approval of “unsafe, unneeded and unwanted genetically modified organisms.”
April 5, 2022

Information on Masks

Whether wearing mask is a clever act or foolishness? Read the booklet to find out.
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