April 20, 2024

The Other Side of India’s Polio Eradication Story – Vratesh Srivastava

India ran intensive pulse polio immunization campaigns since 1995. In 2014, polio was declared as eradicated however an in-depth analysis reveals fact that contradict this. narrative
April 4, 2024

Polio Vaccine – Know The Facts, Be Empowered

Polio Vaccines - Know the Facts, Be Empowered
April 4, 2024

Reality of Polio Vaccination Drive

Reality of Polio Vaccination Drive
March 7, 2024

AIM White Paper – Polio

The whitepaper covers disease overview, prevalence, vaccines & vaccine safety, side effects, lawsuits, media coverage of vaccine injuries
June 24, 2023

Polio Vaccines: Know The Facts, Be Empowered

Is the Polio vaccine Safe and Effective?
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