- Corona Investigative: This blog and telegram channel serve to educate about the lacking scientific evidence for the existence of viruses, history of virology, infectious disease theory, vaccination and especially the corona pandemic and all related topics.
- Lockdown Sceptics: In the days that followed the Telegraph article I was contacted by dozens of people, many of them scientists, who shared my reservations about the lockdown policy and were frustrated that it wasn’t being adequately scrutinized. Some had tried to get their views published in newspapers, either as letters or articles, but without success. That’s when I decided to set up Lockdown Sceptics.
- Questioning Covid: Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic
- Off Guardian: All about Coronavirus
- Great Game India: It is India’s one-of-a-kind portal on international affairs providing global intelligence through strategic analysis by placing events in a geopolitical and historical framework to better understand international developments and the world around us. Experts in the field of Geopolitics and International Relations bring in a fresh perspective to the otherwise redundant academic approach. We are read, recommended, and published by decision-makers, renowned personalities, and organizations around the world.
- World Freedom Alliance: The World Freedom Alliance aims to facilitate an open platform to promote Freedom in all its forms Worldwide and to unite people around the world, and to provide information and share best practices between countries. We aim to ensure our cherished fundamental Freedoms, as outlined in the WFA Charter, are restored and maintained.
- World Doctors Alliance: An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.
- Health Freedom for Humanity: The right to health freedom is under attack. We educate and empower humanity to defend it.
- Evidence Not Fear – An evidence-based guide: What is the scientific and medical basis for the measures being put in place for COVID-19? Should we wear face-masks? Is social distancing helpful? Did lockdown prevent deaths? Many people are afraid but all the evidence shows that most of us have nothing to fear. The great majority of people, even in the highest risk groups, will be fine.
- Power to the People: At Power To The People, we are a group of individuals who are promoting initiatives to serve the people who are being affected by Government, Media and Pharmaceutical corruption. We advocate for anyone who has suffered at the hands of the Government. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about the misinformation in the Mainstream Media and the Government manipulation. No persons private, home or work life should be negatively affected by the Media and Government having their hands in Big Pharma’s pockets.
- Planet Lockdown: A documentary and interview series covering the information needed to understand where we are today. The full-length film is coming soon. Until then, watch the full interviews and subscribe to our newsletter.
- GreenMedInfo: is dedicated to providing evidence-based natural medical information. Through both open access, paid memberships and high-quality educational products, GreenMedInfo provides physicians, healthcare practitioners, clinicians, researchers and consumers a resource to determine the therapeutic value of vitamins, minerals, herbs and foods. We deeply believe that education equals empowerment and, that with education, people have the power to change their lives and the lives of others.
- Instagram Truth Pages: The Real Truth TV:
- AwakenedIndians:
- Anarchy For Freedom:
- India Against Vaccines:
- Men Of Letters Official:
- Truth Movement Infinity:
- Riseup World:
- Internet Freedom:
- Awakening Sheep:
- Found Conscious:
- Solutions:
biswaroop.com and https://nojabforme.info/
- Stories of Injuries and Deaths Resulting From The COVID Vaccines:
- Vaxxed 3 | Authorized To Kill – Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people who shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine: https://rumble.com/v5hk5sl-vaxxed-3-authorized-to-kill.html