Press Release: Medical Crisis Declaration

A press conference was called by Doctors from across India to discuss the ongoing Medical Crisis associated with the Covid 19 Vaccine.

Date: 10th September ‘22
Time: 11:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Venue: Via Video Conference.

You can find the Press Release here:

The Doctors presented a Manifesto (annexed herewith) signed by Medical Professionals from 34 Countries worldwide. The Manifesto was first drafted by a Spanish group of Doctors, Medicos por la Verdad. Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo, spearheaded this effort to draft and then unite Doctors & Scientists from around the World. Groups like World Council for Health, World Doctors Alliance, America’s Frontline Doctors, World Freedom Alliance, Caring HCWs Coalition, Akasha ConCiencia, APSIIN, Awaken India Movement, Universal Health Organisation and others have come together. Countries that are participating in the Declaration are: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Israel, Canada, USA, UK, India

The Manifesto can be signed by Doctors & Scientists, Healthcare Professionals and Citizens in the link below:

You can view the conference here:

Part 1:
Part 2:

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