Kin of doctor who died after her first dose of Covishield files Writ Petition before Bombay High Court, claims Rs.10,000 crores compensation (USD 1.34 billion)

  • The deceased doctor’s father has filed Rs. 10,000 crore compensation Writ against State Government of Maharashtra and Serum Institute of India’s (SII) Adar Poonawalla and his Partner Bill Gates.
  • Government has admitted that Dr. Snehal Lunawat died due to side effects of Covishield vaccine.
  • Around 12,000 people have died due to side effects of corona vaccines
  • Around 18 European countries have banned Covishield (aka Astrazeneca) for its fatal side effects.
  • WHO has also warned against Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) – a rare neurological disorder caused due to Covishield.
  • Canadian Government has also warned against side effects of covishield
  • Already one petition is pending in the Bombay High Court where a mother has filed a petition to prosecute Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla & Government officials involved in murder of her 23 year old son who died due to side effects of CoviShield vaccine.
  • The deceased’s mother has also claimed a compensation of Rs. 1000 crores and prosecution under section 52, 115, 302, 409, 120(B), 420, 34, 109 of I.P.C.

Mumbai: Vaccine Syndicate Kingpin and toxic philanthropist Bill Gates is once again slapped with a new case before Bombay High Court.

The Petition (WPST 2739/2022) is filed by Shri. Dilip Lunawat, father of  Dr. Snehal Lunawat, who was compelled to take Covishield vaccine by deception.

The Respondents in this Writ Petition are:

  1. Mr. Adar C. Poonawalla – CEO Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Union of India
  4. State of Maharashtra
  5. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  6. Drug Controller General of India
  7. V.G. Somani – Drug Controller General of India
  8. Dr. Randeep Guleria -Director, AIIMS, New Delhi

Dr. Snehal Lunawat and others were cheated due to misrepresentation by the Government Authorities that vaccines are completely safe and should there be any side effect, the state claims to have an assured treatment for such side effects.

The FAQs issued by the State of Maharashtra continue to reiterate the said false narratives as under:

Question No. 16 in FAQs reads thus;

“What are the common side effects that I can expect after Vaccination?

Fever, headaches, body aches, fatigue, injection site pain are the common side effects, and they are manageable by a short course of Paracetamol. Most resolve by 2-3 days. You are observed for 30 minutes after receiving the dose, for any serious or severe effects, and even though they are rare to occur, there is definite treatment for each such serious effect.

(Refer para 8 of the Petition for details)

After getting the covishield vaccine, Dr. Snehal Lunawat experienced severe side effects. However,no treatment was available with the Government or with the company i.e. Serum Institute and she died due to ‘blood clotting’. After the enquiry, the Government of India’s AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) Committee has admitted that her death was due to side effects of vaccine.

The prayers of the Writ Petition read thus;

“The Petitioner therefore prays that, this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to:

i.To hold that, the petitioner’s daughter was given vaccine under deception, and false narratives by the state authorities that the vaccines are completely safe and if any serious or severe side effects occurs then the state authorities have define treatment, however when she suffered serious side effects then there was no treatment available and lastly she died due to side effects of vaccines as has been confirmed by the Government of India’s AEFI Committee, therefore state authorities are responsible for causing her death by spreading false narratives and therefore, they are bound to compensate the petitioner in view of law laid by Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble High Courts and more particularly in the case of Registrar General, High Court of Meghalaya Vs. State of Meghalaya 2021 SCC OnLineMegh 130;

ii) To hold that the respondent state authorities are having callous criminal attitude as till date they have not changed their frequently asked questions and even on 12.2021 they are continuing their false narratives that they are having definite treatment for any side effects of vaccines;

iii)To hold that as per law laid down by the Constitution Bench of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Anita Khushwha’s case (2016) 8 SCC 509the value of life of Indian citizen is not less than that of any person across the world either of America or of any country and therefore the Petitioner is entitled to the compensation in proportion to the compensation granted in other similar cases in United State, Singapore etc.

iv) To hold that, in view of factual and legal position mentioned in the petition, the petitioner is entitled for an interim compensation of Rs. 1000 Crores as a deterrence to guilty and as succor to petitioner’s family for loss of life of petitioner’s daughter due to deliberate act of commission and omission on the part of respondents, with a liberty to the state authorities to recover it from the responsible officials and Serum Institute, Pune who is the manufacturer of Covishield Vaccine, as per law & ratio laid down in Veena Sippy Vs. Mr. Narayan Dumbre&Ors. 2012 SCC OnLineBom 339;

v.) Direct appropriate action by the Respondent No. 3 Union of India against all, including main stream and social media like Google, YouTube, Facebook etc. who are involved in the conspiracy of suppressing the correct data about death causing and other serious vaccine injuries and spreading false, misleading and one sided data to deprive  the citizes to take informed decision and compel them to take vaccines; 

 vi) Direct the state authorities to take proper steps to stop further deaths of citizens and to publish the side effects of vaccines by following the rules of Universal Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights, 2005 and as per law laid down in Master Haridan Kumar Vs. UOI 2019 SCC online Del 11929 and also as recently done by the Government of Japan;

vii) Declare that, the Petitioner’s daughter Dr. Snehal Lunawat and other doctors as a Martyr who were given Covid vaccines through deception and coercion and who died due to side effects of vaccines.

viii) Open a dedicated research institute in India under the name of Dr. Snehal Lunawat.

ix) Pass any other order which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the fact and circumstances of the case.”

The Petitioner has relied on several cases including the case of Pharma company GlaxoSmithKline who was made to pay 10.2 billion US dollars (around Rs. 7,475 crores) for committing various offences including suppression of side effects of the medicines and putting the life of Americans in danger

With regards to criminal prosecution of the accused, para 13 of the Petition reads as under:

“So far as the prosecution of accused is concerned, it is made clear that the Awaken India Movement has taken the cause for punishing the guilty and therefore the petitioner is not making the said prayers in the petition.”

It is informed by Awaken India Movement ( that they are filing a criminal case shortly, for murder charges and demanding death penalty for all accused.

Download the petition here.

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