Covid 19 Vaccines: Consult Doctor & No Compensation

In an RTI to MoHFW, it was queried as follows:
“Please provide documented reasons and scientific proof for inclusion / exclusion of Indian citizens in these categories”

Please find the RTI response below:
“COVID Vaccines like other drugs are licensed after due deliberations and consideration of safety data by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI). If anyone is concerned for any specific health reason before COVID Vaccination, please consult a doctor/Health Care Provider. Vaccination for COVID-19 is voluntary. There is no provision of financial assistance/compensation for adverse event following COVID-19 Vaccine..”

Please find the Full RTI details in PDF below: (Or Download here)

In another RTI to MoHFW, response was as follows:
“If anyone is concerned for any specific health reason before COVID Vaccination, please consult a doctor/Health Care Provider.”

“this in no way implies that any person can be forced to be vaccinated against her/his wishes. Covid Vaccination is voluntary.”

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