Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana breached the trust of 135 crore Indians


Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana breached the trust of 135 crore Indians.

➢ He hid his relations with Bharat-Biotech (Covaxin) company and misused his position as Chief Justice of India to extend undeserving relief to the said company.

➢ Complainant filed complaint on affidavit with proofs and demands immediate resignation and prosecution of CJI N.V. Ramana under section 218, 219,409 etc. of Indian Penal Code.

➢ Earlier also Chief Justice of India Ramana is charged for suppressing and not disclosing a Criminal Case pending against him.

New Delhi: – In a shocking bomb-shell revelation in the Complaint filed before President of India, the complainant exposed the serious breach of trust and gross misconduct by the Chief Justice of India Shri. N.V. Ramana.

1. The Complainant in his complaint gave shocking proofs that, Chief Justice of India Ramana is having close relations with the Managing Director of Bharat Bio-Tech Company who is a Covaxin manufacturer. This company has been funded by the Vaccine Mafia Kingpin, Bill Gates. Said proofs are listed below:

           1.1. Justice NV Ramana was seen sitting right next to Bharat Biotech’s Joint director Suchitra Ella on a seminar conducted regarding Violence against women, alongside Justice Ms. G Rohini. They were both judges at the Andhra Pradesh High Court at the time. SOURCE:

           1.2. According to the declaration of assets hosted on the Delhi High Courts website, Justice NV Ramana’s mother N Sarojini Devi held 90,000 shares of Bharat Biotech, & had an investment of Rs. 50 lakh in Biovet Bangalore, a company which makes vaccines for animals. Justice NV Ramana’s mother passed away in 2017, the details of who these shares were transferred to after that are not known.




            1.3. CJI N.V. Ramana met with Bharat Biotech MD Krishna Ella & his wife Suchitra Ella at Tirumala. This meeting took place at Padmavati Guest House, where they greeted N.V.Ramana with flowers. Justice Ramana visited Tirumala temple for darshan, & Suchitra Ella sat on the board of trustees of this temple.


           1.4. CJI NV Ramana is very close to Ex-CM Chandrababu Naidu, who claims that Genome Valley was his brainchild (Genome valley is where Bharat Biotech’s origins lie). Chandrababu Naidu went to pay homage to Justice NV Ramana’s mother after her death, and was also spotted at Justice Ramana’s daughters wedding. YSR Jagan Reddy also accused Chandrababu Naidu of using his connections with Bharat Biotechs MD to cause a shortage of vaccines in the state.

           1.5. CJI NV Ramana has a very close relationship with Ramoji Rao, an Indian film producer, head of the Ramoji group which owns Ramoji Film City, Ushakiran Movies & ETV Network. Ramoji Rao’s grandson is married to Bharat Biotech MD Krishna Ella’s daughter. Ramoji Rao was also present in CJI NV Ramana’s daughters wedding.

a. b.

           1.6. Justice Chelameswar had written to the then CJI, JS Khehar, on March 28 that “the proximity of the Hon’ble judge and the present chief minister of Andhra Pradesh (Chandrababu Naidu) is too well known.

This, according to Chelameswar J, alluded to “the most brazen example of the unwarranted intimacy between the judiciary and the executive.” The tenor and tone of the letters of rejection sent by Naidu and Ramana J were, according to Chelameswar J, too similar to be an accident.

“The March 21 letter of the Andhra CM said: ‘Five out of six recommendees are either relatives of judges, their juniors or their near ones…’ The March 24 letter of Justice Ramana said: “Five out of the six recommendees are either the scions of the judges or their juniors or their near ones…”


           1.7. Bharat Biotech’s Connection To Bill Gates.

           1.7.1. So called indigenous vaccine company Bharat Biotech has received a lot of financial support in various projects from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. A scientist associated with the Gates funded NGO Path & currently working in vaccine development at the Gates foundation, collaborated with scientists from AIIMS to look for a cure to Rotavirus, and they did find one. To manufacture this, Bharat Biotech was roped in, and millions of dollars of funding poured in from the Gates foundation and other international powers.

           1.7.2. Years before the Phase 3 trial of the Rotavirus vaccine was completed, Bill Gates & Krishna Ella signed a contract agreeing to price the Rotavac at 1$ per dose. When Ella ran into financial issues funding the Rotavirus vaccine, it was Bill Gates who stepped in to help him out. The Gates Foundation, made a pledge to fund Rotavac’s development and eventually put nearly $65 million into the project. The Rotavac vaccine showed only 56% efficacy in phase III clinical trial and yet it was given a green light by the authorities. Phase 3 trial data of this vaccine revealed that it caused more cases of intussusceptions than the previous Rotavirus vaccine Rotashield which was withdrawn from the market due to it causing intussusceptions!

          1.7.3. Despite several attempts by the researchers to get this data out, as well as a petition filed in the Delhi High Court, the respondents refused to share the data. According to the report in a widely respected international journal SCRIP Intelligence, the respondents have pleaded in the High Court that the data should not be released, because release of the data will cause public alarm!

           1.7.4. In 2020, a study funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, claimed that the indigenous Rotavirus vaccine was not associated with an increased risk of intussuception. Bharat Biotech was the first Indian company to receive two grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) to develop new vaccines against Malaria and Rotavirus.

           1.7.5. Again, in 2015, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation poured a whooping $18,500,000 grant into Bharat Biotech “to support construction of a manufacturing facility eligible for World Health Organization prequalification, thereby ensuring availability and access to second generation liquid rotavirus vaccine for India and Gavi-eligible countries.”

           1.7.6. In 2012, Bharat Biotech received USD 4 Million ‘Strategic Translation Award’ from the British Wellcome Trust for clinical development of a new life-saving conjugate vaccine for Invasive Non-Typhoidal Salmonella (iNTS).

           1.7.7. Bharat Biotech’s research for the Typhoid fever vaccine named Typbar TCV was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, the Wellcome Trust and other donors.


2. The above-said proofs were given to prove the misuse of power by CJI Ramana in taking the decision of assignment and hearing the cases related with issues which is directly and indirectly, helping those people and the vaccine mafia to earn a profit of thousands of crores. Though as per Supreme Court rules and law laid down by the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, CJI Ramana was disqualified to deal any matter related with Bharat BioTech and Vaccine Companies.

But, he acted in contempt of Supreme Court’s own law and in breach of the oath taken as a Judge of the Supreme Court that he will act impartially without affection or ill-will and tried his level best to help the vaccine companies.

3. Ramana’s breach of trust is ex-facie clear from recent major instances:-

           3.1. Two PILs were filed before Supreme Court exposing corrupt practices of the vaccine mafia in the connivance of Government officials.

(i) Dr. Jacob Puliyel Writ Petition (Civil) No. 607 of 2021 was filed on 13.05.2021.

(ii) Dr. Ajay Gupta Vs. Union of India Writ Petition (Civil) No. 607 of 2021 was filed on 25-05-2021.

           3.2. As per Supreme Court rules, Chief Justice of India, Ramana was duty-bound to disclose his direct relations, connections with Bharat Bio-Tech (Vaccine Companies), and indirect relations with Bill Gates. But he suppressed those crucial facts because, if he had disclosed it then he would be disqualified to take the decision of assignment, listing, or hearing any case related with them or indirectly profiting them. The decision of assignment would have gone to the second senior-most Judge.

           3.3. He then dishonestly kept the said petition in cold storage for more than 3 months even if the said petitions were under most urgent category.

           3.4. Thereafter, he assigned only one petition of Mr. Jacob Puliyal and till date kept another petition of Ajay Gupta Vs. Union of India Writ Petition (Civil) No. 607 of 2021 filed on 25-05-2021 pending.

           3.5. The petition of Dr. Jacob Puliyel was also assigned to an incompetent bench of Justice L. Nageshwar Rao & Aniruddha Bose. Both the Judges are faces charges of corruption, contempt, and incompetence of becoming a Judge of the Supreme Court because of law & understanding of the law.

4. Past Instances where Justice Ramana has recused himself

           4.1. In a complaint of sexual harassment against the then CJI Shri. Ranjan Gogoi the decision for ‘In-House-Procedure’ for constituting enquiry committee was handed over to Second Senior most Judge Shri. Sharad Bobde.

           4.2. In that case against the then CJI Shri. Ranjan Gogoi, the present CJI Shri. N.V. Ramana was also one of the members of enquiry Committee. But the victim Supreme Court lady staffer took objection to Justice Shri. N.V. Ramana’s presence. Shri. N.V. Ramana recused from the case by giving a 3 page letter dated 25th April, 2019. The relevant para of the said letter reads thus; “My decision to recuse is only based on an intent to avoid any suspicion that this institution will not conduct itself in keeping with the highest standards of judicial propriety and wisdom. It is the extraordinary nature of the complaint, and the evolving circumstances and discourse that underly my decision to recuse and not the grounds cited by the complainant per se. Let my recusal be a clear message to the nation that there should be no fears about probity in our institution, and that we will not refrain from going to any extent to protect the trust reposed in us. That is, after all, our final source of moral strength. It is true that justice must not only be done, but also manifestly seem to be done.”


           4.3. That on 31st January, 2019 Justice N.V. Ramanna himself recused from the hearing of a petition challenging appointment of Shri. M. Nageshwar Rao as the interim director of the C.B.I. While recusing himself from hearing the matter, Justice Ramana said Rao is from his home state. “Nageswara Rao is from my home state and I have attended his daughter’s wedding,” Justice Ramana said.


5. First complaint against CJI N.V. Ramana:-

           5.1. Rashid Khan Pathan on 24th August 2021, filed first complaint on affidavit against such fraud on power by CJI Ramana. Prayers of said first complaint reads thus;

           A) Immediate direction for action as per the rules of ‘In-House Procedure’ for withdrawal of all judicial work from Judges Sh. L. Nageshwar Rao and Sh. Aniruddha Bose for their involvement in serious criminal offences against entire humanity by their act of commission and omission and deliberate defiance of law and binding precedents with ulterior motive to help the vaccine mafia and for their intentional failure to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens when they were made aware of the clear proofs.

           B) Constituting the inquiry committee headed by Hon’ble Justice Uday U. Lalit the second senior most Judge, as the case requires enquiry related with the CJI Sh. N.V. Ramanna.

           C) Direction for enquiring the role of CJI Shri N.V. Ramanna in not performing his duty honestly and lawfully more particularly with regard to most important petitions related with life and liberty of 135 Crore citizens regarding death causins’ illegalities in vaccination firstly by not listing them urgently and secondly listing only one petition and assigning some petitions to corrupt and incompetent Judges such as L. Nageshwar Rao & Aniruddha Bose.

           D) Direction to C.B.I. to register F.I.R. against Justice L. Nageshwar Rao, Aniruddha Bose, CJI N.V. Ramanna and other Co-conspirators under Section 191, 192, 193, 218, 409, 219, 465, 466, 471, 474, 115, 302, 109 r/w 120 (B) & 34 of I.P.C and to prosecute them before the competent Court as per law laid down by the constitution Bench in K. Veeraswami Vs. UOI 1991 (3) SCC 655.


According sanction to the complaint to prosecute accused Judges under abovesaid offences or any other offences disclosed from the materials proofs available on record as mentioned in this complaint.

           E) Direction for placing this complaint before second senior-most Judge Shri. U.U. Lalit for taking suo-moto cognizance of contempt against CJI N.V. Ramanna, Justices Shri L. Nageshwar Rao and Shri Aniruddha Bose in view of law laid down in P.N. Duda (1988) 3 SCC 167, Re: M.P. Dwivedi (1996) 4 SCC 152, Re: C.S. Kannan (2017) 7 SCC 1, for their wilful disregard and defiance of the binding precedents of Hon’ble Supreme Court and also for lowering the majesty and dignity of the Supreme Court by way of their act of commission & omission.

           F) Forwarding an impeachment reference against Justice L. Nageshwar Rao & Aniruddha Bose to Rajya Sabha as per ‘In-House Procedure’ and as per law laid down in Addl. District and Session Judge ‘X’ Vs. Registrar (2015) 4 SCC 91

           G) Direction for constituting a special Bench of 7 Judges to hear the cases related with vaccines mandates and conspiracies to kill the Indians.’

           H) Direction for constituting a special Bench of 7 Judges to hear the cases related with vaccines mandates and conspiracies to kill the Indians.

           5.2. Soon thereafter filing of the said Complaint, Shri. Ramana removed Justice Aniruddha Bose from the Bench and increased the number of judges and constituted a Three Judge Bench.

6. Second Complaint:-

           6.1. Despite filing of first complaint, since CJI Ramana did not disclosed his relations with Bharat-Biotech and have not recused from the case on administrative side.

           6.2. Therefore, Rashid Khan Pathan on 09.09.2021 filed second complaint against CJI N.V. Ramana before Hon’ble President of India. (Please find the full complaint at the end of the article)

The Prayers in the said complaint dated 09.09.2021 bearing Case No. PRSEC/E/2021/25383, reads thus; “a) Immediate directions to C.B.I. to register F.I.R. and investigate the serious charges of corruption and misuse of power and breach of trust of 135 Indians under Section 218, 409 etc. of IPC and other provisions of penal law by CJI Shri. N.V. Ramanna for not disclosing his close relations with the covaxin manufacturer company Bharat Biotech’s M.D. and then unauthorizedly and unlawfully doing judicial and administrative acts which ultimately resulted in the wrongful profit of thousands of crores to vaccine companies and other related entities and wrongful losses and death causing side effects to common people. b) Directions to the Attorney General for India to file Contempt Petition as per law laid down in Re: C.S. Karnan (2017) 7 SCC 1, Barakanta Mishra (1974) 1 SCC 374 before Hon’ble Supreme Court against Shri. CJI N.V. Ramanna for his wilful & deliberate disregard and defiance of Supreme Court binding precedents and thereby bringing the majesty & dignity of the Supreme Court in to disrepute. c) Direction as to CJI Sh. N.V. Ramanna to resign forthwith as per guidelines, direction and law laid by Constitution Bench in K. Veeraswami Vs. Union of India (1991) 3 SCC 655, as his misconduct, breach of oath and trust and offences against administration of justice are much much grave and ex-facie proved, which is unbecoming of a Judge of any Court and his continuance as CJI for a moment will be a further contempt of the Supreme Court.”

7. In view of all these facts and circumstances there is a discussion going on amongst Bar members and the common man that why other Judges of the Supreme Court and President of India are not taking immediate action in the matter to save the faith of the Common man in the judicial system and more particularly when the issue is related with the breach of trust of 135 Crore Indians and breach of the oath taken as Chief Justice of India.

8. Earlier Chief Justice of India Ramana has been charged for not disclosing to the collegiums about pendency of criminal case against him.

           8.1. Two years later when he enrolled at the bar on February 10, 1983 he was required to make a mandatory disclosure about any pending criminal proceedings, to which he replied in the negative. The petitioner alleged that the trial proceeded against the judge before a Guntur court that admitted a chargesheet against him in October 1983. In 2000, Ramana was declared a proclaimed offender and a month later he was elevated to the HC.

           8.2. The Case against Justice Ramana was related to the offence of rioting and destruction of public property in 1981 when he was a student of Nagarjuna University.

Sr. Adv. Shri. Ram Jethmalani while representing the petitioner who has moved the SC seeking Justice Ramana’s removal as he was facing a criminal case at the time of his elevation to the HC on June 27, 2000.

           8.3. Having appointed Justice NV Ramana as a judge of Andhra Pradesh high court, senior advocate Ram Jethmalani on Friday told the Supreme Court he was willing to “undo” what was done in his tenure as the law minister.

           8.4. The twist in the case came when the bench of Justice Aftab Alam and Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai told Jethmalani indirectly that Ramana was appointed during his tenure.

“Mr Jethmalani you have an illustrious career spreading over several decades. You had held number of posts and conducted several cases about which you are also not aware. In this case, the collegium had twice rejected the name of this particular judge but it was at the instance of the then law minister that the appointment was made,” the bench said.

           8.5. To this Jethmalani responded: “Your lordships are trying to say that I was the law minister at that time. Your lordship can suggest me what can be done to undo it.” He added if some wrong had been done, it could be undone too.

           8.6. Agreeing to scrutinise Justice Ramana’s appointment, the bench directed Attorney General to submit all documents pertaining to his elevation. It also ordered the Guntur district court to file details of the case, which was going on against the judge.


You can download the official complaint filed by Rashid Pathan Khan on 9th September 2021, here.

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