All Roads Lead To Genocide
It is extremely concerning to see the brazen manner in which Indians are being killed by various unscientific protocols over the past 19 months.
For anyone thinking critically, it is painfully obvious that:
1. The new medical interventions in the form of injections have already caused millions of deaths and injuries in India and around the world,
2. Face coverings kill, slowly but surely
3. Sanitizers are full of chemicals that kill, slowly but surely
4. Social isolation is killing thousands of people on a daily basis, and
5. Lockdowns are leading to tremendous amounts of loss of livelihoods and lives around the world.
We at AIM have been posing uncomfortable questions to the so-called authorities (many of whom are probably just on a power trip and acting out of ignorance) on the aforementioned aspects. Though, answers to our questions in RTIs have largely met with irrelevant or ambiguous replies, we have from time to time received revealing responses that break open the dystopian world that has been planned for humanity in the near future. Please find all our important RTIs at the link below:
It is our responsibility to get this information out to the public, so more people have an awakening and realize that the global genocide has already begun and is set to accelerate in the coming days unless more people say ‘No’.
We have bucketed the information into a few categories:
Injections, Clinical Trials, Informed Consent, Deaths, AEFIs:
- Question: Please reply if research has been undertaken on vaccination post disease. Does the study rule out possibility of cytokine storm post disease consequent to increased levels of antibodies post vaccination?
Answer: As of now, CDSCO has not granted clinical trial permission for use of approved covid-19 vaccines in post diseased individual.
CDSCO/R/T/21/00263 dated 29.Jun.2021 - Question: Are vaccine trial participants counselled about risks of these vaccines and is informed consent obtained?
Answer: Clinical Trials are conducted as per the provisions of New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 wherein as per Table 3 of Third Schedule, the investigator is required to inform description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject and obtain informed consent from trials participants.
CDSCO/R/T/21/00341 dated 08.Jul.2021 - Question: Please let me know the document format used to obtain informed consent for each vaccine recipient in India. Please provide information on the number of informed consent documents/forms signed and collected from vaccine recipients across India
Answer: If anyone is concerned for any specific health reason before COVID Vaccination, please consult a doctor/Health Care Provider.
It is duly advised, advertised and communicated by MoHFW through various print and social media platforms that all citizens should get vaccinated, but this in no way implies that any person can be forced to be vaccinated against her/his wishes. Covid Vaccination is voluntary.
As per the existing guidelines, there is no provisions for forcing any citizen to book appointment for Covid Vaccination on COWIN or visit Covid Vaccination Center for vaccination. if a person above the age of 18 years visits a Covid Vaccination Centre by his/her choice for vaccination, it implies that she/he is voluntarily coming to the center to get the benefit of Covid Vaccination. Hence, no separate written consent should be required from the person who has voluntarily come to the Covid Vaccination Center, to get the Vaccination.
MOHFW/R/E/21/04552 dated 08.Aug.2021 - Question: Please provide documentation / minutes of meetings of official meetings held by various government agencies and bodies in which they discussed deleterious consequences of administering covid19 injections to people who are already suffering from the following conditions:
Vaccine damaged
High blood pressure, uncontrolled type 2 diabetes
Morbid obesity
Who have had organ transplants
Heart ailments
Other chronic conditions
Answer: COVID Vaccines like other drugs are licensed after due deliberations and consideration of safety data by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI). If anyone is concerned for any specific health reason before COVID Vaccination, please consult a doctor/Health Care Provider. Vaccination for COVID-19 is voluntary. There is no provision of financial assistance/compensation for adverse event following COVID-19 Vaccine, if any. However, severe and serious Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) cases may be reported to and treated at Government Hospital/facilities. You may refer COVID-19 vaccine operational guidelines (28.12.2020) (Page no. 105 specifically for Adverse Events Following Immunization).
MOHFW/R/E/21/05398 dated 13.Sep.2021 - Question: Please provide copy, scientific proof, or evidence of covid -19 Vaccine is safe and effective.
Answer: Further, it is mentioned that as per the provisions of New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 and considering COVID pandemic, CDSCO in consultation with Subject Expert Committee (SEC) has approved three COVID-19 vaccines for restricted use in emergency
situation and the clinical trials are still ongoing for conclusion of results of complete safety, immunogenicity and efficacy.
CDSCO/R/X/21/00010 dated 09.Jun.2021 - Question: How many vaccine receivers till date have developed adverse reactions? Kindly provide details, out of which how many had serious complications? Needing ICU care kindly provide details. How many deaths are reported till date after covid19 vaccination? Kindly provide details. Is there any compensation provided for vaccine injury or adverse reactions, deaths. If yes, please provide details of the same.
Answer: Total 48,66,462 doses have been administered till 19 May 2021 (Source Co-WIN) and 35 serious AEFI cases have been reported which includes 9 deaths and 9 severe AEFI cases have been reported as on 19 May 2021.
There is no provision for compensation after Adverse Reaction.
DTOFW/R/2021/60017 dated 21.May.2021
Face coverings, Masks, Pore Sizes - Question: Mask voluntary hai ya compulsory public place par
Answer: Prolonged use of masks (especially N-95 mask) has been found to be associated with headache, worsening of acne, skin irritation, erosions due to pressure effect etc.
MOHFW/R/E/21/03259 dated 03.Sep.2021 - Question: Please provide scientific proof of the mechanism by which asymptomatic people spread this so-called covid disease. Peer-reviewed papers and/or official documentation from health agencies is required.
Answer: General Public/care providers: There is no scientific evidence to show health benefit of using Disposable Triple layer mask for general public. In fact, erroneous use of masks or continuous use of a Disposable Triple layer mask for longer than 6 hours or repeated use of same mask may actually further increase risk of infection.
INCMR/A/E/21/00177 dated 24.Sep.2021 - Question: What is the size of the Covid-19 virus i.e. the length of the virus end to end? What is the pore size of the standard as well as surgical masks?
Answer: SARS-CoV-2 virus is round shaped virus with an average size of 70-80 nm. Pore size of standard surgical mask and N95 mask is 0.3 – 10 μm & 0.1 – 0.3 μm respectively.
NIOVP/R/E/21/00012 dated 11.May.2021
Testing, Asymptomatic Individuals (that is, healthy individuals) - Question: Request information whether there are adverse effects or side effects of the RT-PCR tests and if ICMR has conducted studies on the same.
Answer: Repeated testing at very frequent intervals can lead to injury in nasal cavity and throat.
INCMR/R/E/21/00609 dated 11.Aug.2021 - Question: Request count of Covid-19 tests done all over India. Request split of this data between the different kinds of tests and between the symptomatic status.
Answer: Symptomatic status count of people who tested Covid-19 positive -Data
97.2% of the people who tested positive were asymptomatic (that is, they were healthy).
INCMR/R/E/21/00609 dated 11.Aug.2021
Virus isolation - Question: Please provide scientific papers clearly detailing the purification and isolation of the so-called Delta variant.
Answer: There is no specific protocol for purification and isolation of the sars-cov-2 Delta variant
NIOVP/R/T/21/00011 dated 24.Sep.2021