Covid-19 has been an unprecedented crisis facing Humanity and we have been researching different dimensions of the ‘Great Reset’ and its solutions being propagated, to uncover the underlying political and economic interests behind these decisions, their pros and cons, as well as the scientific contradictions and scientific facts that are being ignored behind these decisions. We present reliable information and resources that are accessible to those with little scientific, legal or technical knowledge, uncovering global agendas and authoritarian tactics unfolding to this end.
We are an initiative of the citizens of India united in the greater pursuit of truth and justice and committed to the well-being of all. Our beliefs are guided by the laws of nature and substantiated by evidence based research that has empirical and scientific merit.
We work towards drawing the attention of our fellow-citizens and policy makers to issues that have a direct bearing on the well-being of all Indians. We collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations through creative action and are committed to values of self-responsibility, awareness, freedom of choice and basic human rights.
Awaken India Movement is governed by a National Steering Committee (See NSC Members List Here) that comprises of individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise from across India such as doctors, healers, therapists, naturopaths, biologists, engineers, organic farmers, researchers, lawyers, businessmen, home makers, social justice activists, swadeshi movement activists and spiritualists, having backgrounds in wellness, science, technology, finance, agriculture, medicine, psychology, journalism, business, literature, law, art, media and advertising, who work for the benefit of all Indian citizens. The Movement functions on the basis of a Constitution or Guiding Principles (See Here)
We have teams working on Virus Research, Virus Tests, Vaccine Research, Pandemic Act Protocols, Lockdown Effects, Masks, Sanitizers & Social Distancing Research, 5G Research, RTI, Integrative Medicine, Media and Content Design and are particularly concerned about the health, financial and ecological crisis that Humanity is facing now.
Covid-19 has been an unprecedented crisis facing Humanity and we have been researching different dimensions of the ‘Great Reset’ and its solutions being propagated, to uncover the underlying political and economic interests behind these decisions, their pros and cons, as well as the scientific contradictions and scientific facts that are being ignored behind these decisions. We present reliable information and resources that are accessible to those with little scientific, legal or technical knowledge, uncovering global agendas and authoritarian tactics unfolding to this end.
Our Mission:
Our aim is to awaken and empower Indians with information that will better their lives and help them build a secure and resilient nation. Our efforts are to grow nationwide networks of likeminded individuals, from every socio-economic, religious, and cultural community, who can collectively work alongside public, private and non-governmental organizations, to devise legal and practical solutions to the challenges we face as a nation, and as Humanity.
Disclaimer :
This website and the Awaken India Movement (AIM) Broadcast Channel in Telegram are the only official channels of Awaken India Movement that communicate its work, its views and activities.
All other social media handles where the AIM name appears, are not to be considered official AIM channels, as they also contain the personal views and statements of AIM collaborators and the general public, which may not be the opinions of AIM.
We aren't affiliated with any political party and are a democratic and leaderless movement.
Our demands
Our values
We value equality for all
We value mutual respect
We value integrity and trust
We value passion and drive
We value honesty and fairness
We value solutions and ideas
We value creativity and change
We value diversity and individuality