Media Campaigns In Your District / State ~ Highlighting Truth About Covid Vaccine & Its Protocols.
Taking Covid Vaccine Is Completely Voluntary & There Are Risks Involved after taking the Covid Vaccine. People have the right to know these facts. This will be run through paid advertisements on Social Media, Print Media & Electronic Media so our outreach can be maximised. You can fund this campaign in your area.
Kindly fill the following form to start your Truth Campaign:
#1. Only Eye Opening, awareness creating facts will be present in these advertisements, taken word by word as stated in Government's & Vaccine Manufacturer's official documents/websites.
#2. Every advertisement will also mention the legal implications for government or private authorities enforcing the Vaccines with high - handedness or without informed consent. Those Officials, not following the notified guidelines/protocols/rules/law, will be criminally tried in court for maximum punishment as stated under specific penal laws.
#3. Those funding the ads will have to directly pay the advertisement Platform / Agency (only through bank accounts). AIM will support the funders to run this campaign by providing all necessary resources.