April 20, 2024

Food Fortification in India

Report on Food Fortification in India prepared by the Research and Information division of Lok Sabha Secretariat
April 20, 2024

The Other Side of India’s Polio Eradication Story – Vratesh Srivastava

India ran intensive pulse polio immunization campaigns since 1995. In 2014, polio was declared as eradicated however an in-depth analysis reveals fact that contradict this. narrative
April 14, 2024
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

DPT Vaccines – Know the Facts, Be Empowered

April 14, 2024

Chicken Pox Vaccine – Know the Facts, Be Empowered

April 11, 2024

Indian Evidence Act – Nipah Virus

Demanding Accountability: Challenging Unreasonable Restrictions and Seeking Scientific Evidence Amidst the NIPAH Crisis
April 4, 2024

Polio Vaccine – Know The Facts, Be Empowered

Polio Vaccines - Know the Facts, Be Empowered
April 4, 2024

Reality of Polio Vaccination Drive

Reality of Polio Vaccination Drive
April 1, 2024
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

MR Vaccination: Be Empowered, Know The Facts

Posters on MR Vaccination in English, Hindi, Bangla, Marathi, Tamil
March 27, 2024

Are Indian girls Guinea pigs for HPV vaccine Research & Testing?

Are Indian girls Guinea pigs for HPV Vaccine? Posters in English, Hindi, Bangla, Punjabi, Telegu
March 26, 2024

Say No to cultivating GM Mustard

Say No to cultivating GM mustard - posters in English, Hindi, Tamil
March 26, 2024

Say No to GM Mustard

Say No to GM Food - Posters in English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi and Odiya
March 25, 2024
Children's Vaccination Is Not A Priority - WHO

Deaths following routine childhood vaccines – Monthly Data

Deaths following routine childhood vaccination.
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